The following article was posted by Canada Adopts! -
Being chosen by an expectant mother to adopt her baby is an unforgettable event. Once it happens, it’s hard to think about anything else.
You replay the moment in your mind again and again (and again!).
But no sooner do you think “I can’t believe this is happening. I’m finally going to be a parent!” than a new set of fears rears its head: “What if I’m just dreaming? What happens if the match doesn’t work out?”
With so many mixed emotions, it’s hard to stay grounded and not feel like a basket case.
This moment is not the end of your journey. In many ways, it’s just beginning. There are still a million things you need to do — and, as you’ll see, none of them is easy or straightforward.
1. Manage your emotions
Hearing that you’ve been picked by an expectant mother with an adoption plan can trigger a wave of conflicting emotions: excitement, sadness & fear.
It’s normal, part of the process. Eventually things will settle down and return to normal — or at least to a new normal.
2. Build your relationship
As exciting as an adoption match is, it’s not an adoption. The expectant mother could have a change of heart.
Needless to say, there are so many unknowns, things that you won’t know for days, weeks or even months down the road. Keep your adoption professionals in the loop. And use the time now to get to know the expectant mother better, find answers to your questions, and build your relationship.
3. Share your news with family
Announcing an adoption match isn’t the same thing as announcing a pregnancy.
Plus, because most people don’t understand adoption or have out dated views about it, their level of excitement may not match yours. They may put a damper on your enthusiasm.
4. Share your news with friends
It’s only natural that you’ll want to share your news with friends. Who wouldn’t? If they’ve been on your adoption journey with you, they’ll most certainly want to know.
But it’s tricky. Once your story gets out, it’s not yours anymore. Think carefully about who to tell and what to tell them.
5. Get your home ready
Many hopeful parents use this time to nest and prepare their home for the baby’s arrival. Whether it means stocking up on necessities like diapers, wipes and sleepers or taking on a bigger project like decorating the nursery, it up to you.
Others, however, worry that doing too much beforehand could jinx their placement and refuse to do anything until the very last moment. As with so much about open adoption, it’s a personal choice.
6. Create a hospital plan
No matter when the expectant mother is due, it’s never to early to develop a hospital plan. This is something that you and the expectant parents will need to work out together.
How much involvement do you want to have in the delivery? Will you be in the room with her? Who will hold the baby first? How will the placement occur? Giving birth is such an emotionally-charged event, it’s important to work out the details beforehand so that you and the expectants parents are on the same page.
In addition, you should make sure that the hospital staff is up to speed about how an open adoption placement works and is aware of your wishes. Delivery day will be stressful enough. You don’t need any additional surprises.
7. Explore travel arrangements
Depending on where the expectant mother lives, you may want to start researching flights and hotels for the best rates and availability.
Because everything is so unpredictable, you may need to book a flight in the last minute. Knowing what flights are available, and finding a direct route, can save you a lot of trouble down the road.
Since the baby could arrive at any time, you’ll want to leave yourself enough time to get to the hospital in time for the birth. You also want to look for hotels that are near the hospital or the expectant parents’ family.
8. Start thinking about a post-placement plan
This is another item for down the road, but again it’s never too early to start thinking about it. After all, if the adoption goes through, you and the expectant mother will be tied together for life.
Your adoption professional can help you hammer out a plan with the expectant mother. Some of the things you’ll want to consider is what kind of ongoing contact do you want to have after placement? How do you plan to keep in touch?
There’s a lot you need to think about when you find a match. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be. For now, take things one day at a timeThere’s a lot you need to think about when you find a match. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be. For now, take things one day at a time and enjoy the moment while it lasts. But don’t leave things to the last moment. If all goes well, your placement day will come sooner than you think! and enjoy the moment while it lasts. But don’t leave things to the last moment. If all goes well, your placement day will come sooner than you think!